Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Most Hated Man in Chicago

It's official. At the Cubs Convention, the Cubs announcers made it clear that they do not want Todd Walker with the Cubs next year. Now that the Cubs have turned control of the team over to their broadcasters, maybe things will start to happen.

Seriously, what did Todd Walker do to piss everyone off? No one is talking. Or at least they're not telling the real reason Walker is universally hated. Bob Brenly's big comment was, "Defense is more important than offense."

What the heck does that mean? Walker is not that bad. He's not the worst defensive second baseman in the league, that's for sure. Plus, if you follow Brenly's argument to its logical conclusion, the Cubs would be made up of the best defensive players in the game regardless of whether they could hit or not. There's a prescription for success.

The Cubs are a better team with Walker at second base and in the lineup than they would be with any of their other choices (Hairston, Perez or Cedeno). Even so, it seems a forgone conclusion that Walker will be dealt. I just wish someone would come out and explain why.


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